Blood and Moonlight by Erin Beaty
“Blood and Moonlight” penned by Erin Beaty is a captivating medieval young adult fantasy thriller that skillfully intertwines elements of mystery, magic, and romance. The story...
“Blood and Moonlight” penned by Erin Beaty is a captivating medieval young adult fantasy thriller that skillfully intertwines elements of mystery, magic, and romance. The story...
“There’s an old saying: The first lie wins. It’s not referring to the little white kind that tumble out with no thought; it refers to the...
About this book: (blurb from Pan MacMillan SA) FIVE WOMEN ARE DEAD. The killer leaves no fingerprints, no DNA. Police are utterly stumped. In a world where...
Emotional, Inspiring, and Heartwarming – and if it features a dog, I am bound to love it. “Small Acts of Kindness” is a poignant novel that...
In the genre of historical fiction, Sarah Steele presents The Traitor’s Wife as a compelling story that entertains and enlightens. The novel is set during the...
This book is the second book in the “Travis Devine”/The 6.20 Man series, although I would say that it can be read as a stand-alone novel....
“Thank God for girlfriends. In this crazy, chaotic, divided world that was run by men, you could count on the women.” Kristin Hannah’s historical novel, “The...
This book was translated from Swedish by Rachel Willson-Broyles “It takes a long time to build a life, but only an instant for it to crumble....
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“We are all unreliable narrators of our own lives.” This engrossing and twisty thriller will hold your attention right up to the finish. The protagonist, Elliot...