What I read: The Half Burnt House by Alex North

The Half Burnt House Alex NorthI’ve heard so much about The Whisper Man, one of Alex North’s previous books, so I was keen to read this newest release.

“Everything that happens in life is preordained. We have no choice in anything. We are all just playing out our roles, like actors in a script that was written long before we were born.”

The Half Burnt House by Alex North is a psychological thriller that explores the themes of fate, free will, guilt, redemption and obsession. The story focuses on Katie Shaw, who attempts to assist her brother Chris who is implicated in a heinous murder. Chris was assaulted six years ago and left with scars on his face and in his mind. He has not communicated with Katie since then.

“There are some things that can’t be fixed, no matter how hard you try. Some wounds that never heal. Some scars that never fade.”

The murder victim is Alan Hobbes, a distinguished and wealthy philosophy professor who resided in a half-burnt mansion and was intrigued by a local serial killer. Detective Laurence Page investigates the case and discovers a network of secrets, lies and fate that connect the characters.

“We all have secrets, don’t we? Things we keep hidden from the world, from ourselves. Things we are ashamed of, or afraid of. Things we hope no one will ever find out.”

The author employs multiple timelines and perspectives to gradually reveal the connections between the characters and their secrets. Featuring complex characters that are flawed and realistic. The feel was dark and atmospheric, and I felt the sense of dread and tension while reading it. The plot also has some astonishing twists, and my expectations changed all the time. The book also has some disturbing scenes that are horrifying and chilling, especially involving The Angel Maker and his gruesome methods.

“The truth is rarely simple or straightforward. It’s messy and complicated and full of contradictions. Sometimes it’s easier to believe a lie than to face the reality.”

The book has a slow pace that may bore some readers who prefer a faster and more action-packed story. I did struggle to keep up with the timelines, it was a bit challenging following the switches between past and present, and between different characters’ points of view.

“The past is always with us, whether we want it to be or not. It shapes us, moulds us, haunts us. Sometimes it even saves us.”

I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy psychological thrillers with themes of fate, free will, guilt, redemption, and obsession.

With thanks to Penguin Random House SA for the opportunity to read this book.

About the Book

ISBN 9780241438138

Format Trade Paperback

Recommended Price R375.00

Published May 2023

About the Author

Alex North https://alexnorthwriter.com/