“Identity” is a standalone romantic suspense thriller. The book tells the story of Morgan Albright, a former Army brat who has finally settled down in a friendly neighbourhood near Baltimore. Her life takes a turn for the worse when she and her roommate Nina host their first dinner party, attended by Luke, the flirtatious IT consultant who had been chatting her up at the bar. The back door glass is broken, cash and jewelry are missing, her car is gone, and Nina lies dead on the floor. Soon, a horrific truth emerges: It was Morgan who let the monster in. “Luke” is a cold-hearted con artist named who targets a particular type of woman, steals her assets and identity, and then commits his ultimate goal: murder.
The novel is an engaging read that keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The plot is well-crafted. The characters are well-developed and believable, with Morgan being a strong and resilient protagonist who refuses to give up even when everything seems lost.
One of the most impressive aspects of “Identity” is how it deals with the issue of identity theft. Nora Roberts does an excellent job of portraying just how devastating this crime can be, not just financially but also emotionally. Morgan’s life is turned upside down when she becomes a victim of identity theft, losing everything she has worked hard for – her home, her car, her savings, and even her job.
The book also explores themes such as love, trust, and betrayal. Morgan’s relationship with Miles Jameson is one of the highlights of the book.
I have a lot of conflicted feelings about this book. It was maybe overly descriptive and wordy. There is a lot of (unnecessary) details showing with (too much) care and attention how Morgan is rebuilding her life. I found her relationship with her family quite endearing. (I did struggle with the “my ladies” thing though – but I guess it was needed to show companionship and loyalty). The pacing felt a bit uneven to me as well.
But, the entire time while I was reading this, I thought that this will make a great Netflix series.
With thanks to Jonathan Ball Publishers for the opportunity to read this book.
About this book:
Fiction: Identity (jonathanball.co.za)
Category: Contemporary Fiction
ISBN: 9780349433974
Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group
On sale: June 2023
Format: Paperback