The Dive is a gripping thriller that takes the reader to the exotic and perilous island of Koh Sang, Thailand, where secrets and lies can be deadly. The story follows Cass, a scuba diving instructor at one of the luxurious resorts, leads her students on their first dive, only to find herself in a nightmare when the body of one of the resort’s guests are found. Cass soon realizes that someone knows her dark past and is out to get her. She must find out who is behind the mysterious accidents before it’s too late.
The author, Sara Ochs, is a travel addict who was inspired by her own experience of learning to scuba dive on a remote island off the coast of Thailand. She vividly describes the beauty and danger of the underwater world, as well as the culture and lifestyle of the islanders and backpackers. She also creates a tense and suspenseful atmosphere that keeps the reader hooked until the end.
Cass is a sympathetic protagonist who has escaped from a traumatic past and is trying to start a new life with her fiancé. She is brave, loyal, and resourceful, but also haunted by guilt and fear. She is friends with Brooke, who is an Instagram influencer with a glamorous facade. She is supportive, fun-loving, and adventurous, but also insecure and manipulative. The other characters, such as Cass’s fiancé, students, and colleagues, are also intriguing and realistic. There are a lot of characters though, so you need to keep your wits about you.
I found the first couple of chapters quite slow, but then the pace gathers momentum. The author skillfully weaves together the present and the past, revealing Cass’s backstory and the secrets of the island gradually. The story also explores themes such as trust, betrayal, friendship, love, revenge, and redemption.
What I liked:
• Exotic location
• Dual POV (Cass and Brooke)
• Whodunnit?
• “The Beach” feels
• Tense and thrilling
The Dive is an entertaining and thrilling read that will appeal to fans of mystery, adventure, and exotic settings. It is a debut novel that showcases the author’s talent and imagination.
With thanks to Penguin Random House SA for the opportunity to read this book.
About the book:
ISBN 9781787636866
Format Trade Paperback
Recommended Price R310.00
Published September 2023
About the author:
Sara Ochs (